3 Million Get Their Teeth Into DIY Dentistry
Around 3 million people in England have resorted to DIY (Do It Yourself) dentistry, with a further 3 million knowing someone else that has, according to new research by WHICH?. 3 million represents roughly 8 per cent of the British population.
People would rather check their bank balance, go to the gym or face a packed Ikea on a Saturday afternoon instead of going to the dentist so it's easy to see why so many people are having a crack at it themselves with

Of those trying DIY dentistry, 26 per cent have tried to pull a tooth using pliers and 12 per cent have tried doing this using a piece of string tied to a door handle. Three in ten DIY dentists (30 per cent) have tried to whiten their teeth with household cleaning products.
Other DIY procedures people admitted to include using household glue to stick down a filling or crown (11 per cent), popping an ulcer with a pin (19 per cent) trying to mend or alter dentures (8 per cent) and trying to stick down a loose filling with chewing gum (6 per cent).
WHICH? health campaigner Jenny Driscoll, says "This research shows the desperate measures people will resort to. Everyone should have access to good quality dental treatment so it's worrying to see so many people resorting to doing it themselves."
People, I know

Healthcare Savings Tip-Of-The-Week
"To handle difficulties, handle them when they are small and just beginning" (Lao-Tzu: 604 BC to 531 BC).
"Make the time to get regular checkups by your doctor to catch health problems before they become serious" (Kenn Kowalsky: 1963 AD to present).