Contrary to common myth, mouthwash does not wash your mouth and certainly does not help create stronger gums like flossing does. Although many, such as

Even if you and your kids really hate flossing, your best dental plan is to stick with the tried and true brush and floss combination, supplementing it with

Save Money With Homemade Mouthwash
Having trouble stomaching the cost of mouthwash? No dental insurance policy or discount dental plan out there will cover such routine daily oral hygiene treatments but, with a little ingenuity, you won't have to pad the wallets of Listerine's stock holders either.
Two common recipes for homemade mouthwash are:
1. ½ teaspoon salt in 8 ounces of water (or 4 ounces for a stronger solution)
2. ½ teaspoon baking soda in 8 ounces of water
Friends of "My Dental Complaint"
I think a lot of people do what I used to do: they use mouthwash to disguise bad breath, which is kind of silly...I mean If you had terrible body oder would you douse yourself in perfume rather than take a shower?! Highly doubtful...that's disgusting! Anyways, my dentist gave me a "tongue squigi" sample...I guess my tongue was really dirty because my foul breath cleared up within a week! order one from! it really works! Otherwise, avoid spicy foods.