Friday, September 18, 2009

Dental Insurance Can Actually Save You Money

Unless you have great dental coverage through work, you know how expensive dental insurance can be. But did you know that preventive dental care (i.e. check ups, x-rays, cleaning, etc.) can limit future medical costs.

“Gum disease can lead to the spread of infections that affect the lungs, heart and other organs, so a plan that offers preventive care may be an expense worth bearing to prevent future expenses”, said Dr Samer Itani, a dentist with BAHCD (Bay Area House Call Dentists). “It’s a crucial issue for the elderly, not just for their daily comfort but for their overall health.”

Len Finocchio, California Healthcare Foundation senior program officer, recently told the Los Angeles Times, “Our research tells us that many people in California have been avoiding routine care that might have cost about $100 for a checkup and cleaning, and then find themselves in the emergency room, where they get only an antibiotic, a bill that can average over $600 and instructions to see a dentist.”

That is exactly what happened to like Socorro Salazar who ignored oral pain for eight years, and ended up paying $19,000 to have six removed and replaced because he did not have a dental plan which probably would cost less than 15% of what he paid.

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