Friday, October 8, 2010

Less Calcium Could Lead To Tooth Loss

Dental News
The Journal of Nutrition reported that researches at Copenhagen University Hospital did a study which found that having lower calcium intake is linked with having fewer teeth, or tooth loss.

Adults who took in less than the recommended amount of calcium had higher odds of having fewer than 26 teeth. Women had 44% higher odds. Men had 57% higher odds. Adults normally have 32 teeth, including 4 wisdom teeth.

The study involved a total of 2,113 adults between the ages 30 to 60, most of whomo kept a seven-day record of what they ate while some had their tooth loss history examined from the years 1982 to 1994. During that time, lower calcium intake increased the odds of tooth loss in men, but not in women.

Many of the adults who participated in this study did not get the recommended amount of daily calcium. Only 45% of women got enough calcium. About 55% of men did.

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  1. In an enamel of teeth, except calcium, others contain much micro- and macrocells without which teeth never will be healthy. Therefore stomatologists urgently recommend to fill up an organism, and especially children's, vitamins and minerals.


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