Friday, July 24, 2009

Dental Emergency Solutions When On The Go

Although it's always good to have a dental emergency kit on hand (especially when traveling), really now, how many of us actually have such a kit in our home, car or work place.

Dental emergencies can happen anywhere, and chances are you don't want to spend your vacation time looking in the phone book for a dentist if a problem occurs while you are out of town. A few simple supplies can keep you going until you can get to your dentist.

Dr. Joseph G. Graver of Beautiful Smiles Family Dental Center in York County, Pennsylvania recommends these temporary fixes:

Problem: Filling falls out.
Solution: Mix DenTemp, a moderately strong cement that includes a powder and liquid, and insert it in the "hole."

Problem: Crown or cap comes off a tooth.
Solution: Use a denture adhesive such as Fixodent or Poligrip as a temporary cement to reattach loose temporary or permanent crowns and bridges. DenTemp can also be used if Fixodent or Poligrip does not work. For a porcelain veneer that has come off, use Krazy Glue gel.

Problem: Have a toothache.
Solution: Apply a topical anesthetic such as Benzodent or Orajel to the gum or take a painkiller such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen. Click here for a homeopathic alternative to pharmaceutical drugs when dealing with toothache pain.

Problem: A tooth is knocked out.
Solution: Place the tooth in an empty prescription bottle with neutral saline solution (often sold in the contact lens aisle). See a dentist ASAP to see if the tooth can be re-implanted. Do not scrub the tooth or root with a toothbrush; you can remove important cells needed for re-implantation.

Problem: Brackets or wires used in braces have broken or come undone.
Solution: Press dental wax against the wire or bracket to prevent it from poking into the cheek or lip.

Problem: Something is jammed under the gum and/or between teeth.
Solution: Use floss to try to remove the debris and then flush the area with a mixture of half peroxide and half water. Apply Benzodent.

Problem: A denture is broken.
Solution: Denture repair kits come with a pink powder and a liquid to mix up an acrylic material that can be used to repair cracked dentures or to reattach a denture tooth to the prosthesis.

SOURCE: Beautiful Smiles Family Dental Center

1 comment:

  1. I remember this incident while I was on a business trip in Colorado. As soon as I arrived, I felt an excruciating pain on my right molar. It literally stopped me from following my itineraries that day. So I bought some OTC pain relievers and just went straight to my hotel room to rest.

    In Colorado Springs, CO, dentists there are relatively easy to find and are very accessible. I was able to set up an appointment the next day. What a relief.


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