DENTAL NEWS: Did you know that you have self-worth to your dentist? Not as a person, but as a dollar amount at least according to a National survey of dentists done by which found that dentists overall estimate the value of a new patient in the first nine months to be about $1000, although some dentists had calculated it to be as little as $500, while for others up to $3000.
But that's just a guesstimate, right? Well yes, for the most part, but the survey found that those dentists who actually knew their average new patient value reported a higher value than the dentists who were just estimating $1200 versus $900, respectively. However, this survey was far from scientific as only 68 dentists participated.
Some of the more interesting findings of the survey were the following;
* New patients who come in for a complete exam have first year value of $2,500 plus 2 referrals
* Cosmetic patients typically are shoppers, with about 1/3 proceeding with value in excess of $12,000
* Mini dental implant patients have an average value of $3500 plus an average of two referrals
* Denture patients average $3500-6000 plus at least one and often several referrals
DENTAL VIEWS: While most of us are nostalgic for days when our dentist was our friend and their marketing plan consisted of repeat business and word-of-mouth, the fact of the matter is that with the high cost of running a modern dental office these days, dentists have to know what a patient is worth to their business or they won't be in business very long.
I am honored to write about my experience as a new client of Dr. Nathan Haas he is very friendly Toronto dentist . From the moment I stepped into the Center, I was completely taken aback by the genuinely kindhearted disposition of everyone on staff.